Monday, October 12, 2009

Reverse Psychology

I wish reverse psychology would work on my girls to keep them little. I am realizing how fast they are growing up and quickly changing. I have a feeling it is not going to work though. "Don't you stay cute and little forever...don't you do it".

Reverse psychology works wonders with my least Samantha and Layla. If I want my girls to do something, for example eat their food or clean up their rooms. I just smile a big grin and say, "Don't you eat that." or " I better not come back in here and see you cleaning up your toys because I want to throw them away" or "take that yummy food out of your mouth right this instant". It works like a charm. They think it is hilarious and we accomplish the intended goal with smiles and laughter. Don't get me wrong there are still plenty of times that I have to be the heavy and get mad about things too, but that is part of being a mom. This reverse psychology trick works so well my parents and sister use it with them all the time too. It is really funny to see adults do this and have a two year old and five year old be excited to "break the rules".

Just a few months ago Layla was just starting to talk well, so that you could understand some of what she was saying. She had cute words like fluffy and potty and mama. Now she actually talks all day long. She is speaking in sentences, uses people's real names and describes things she wants. It is amazing that in less than three months she has made this type of transformation with language.

She turned two on September 12 and we had a fun party for her with a big blow up bounce house and all her cousins and friends from nursery. She loved having everyone sing her happy birthday and she was sure to put her fingers in the icing of her cake as soon as she got close to it. She loves ducks and calls them quack, quacks (but it is her actually sounding like a duck...not saying quack). He had a bakery airbrush a water scene onto a cake and then we used some little ducks we had for her cake...she adored it.

She is loving to choose her clothes and find things that match. This morning she found some purple socks and asked me what color they were. I told her they were purple. She then repeated it and started looking through her wardrobe for other purple items that would match her socks. Sometimes I find myself just sitting back in amazement of how much she is doing and changing daily!!

At any given time of the day Layla can be found doing one of the following: asking to be read to or "reading" a book by herself, playing with her sisters or dancing and singing whether there is music on or not. If there is music out she loves to rock out and be crazy. I just adore this age. I wish I could freeze time with her for awhile.

1 comment:

Debbie Murdock said...

Layla gonna be a little fashionista when she grows up. We'll have to borrow her for an afternoon to teach Maryn. Today for school she had a yellow shirt on and I grabbed the matching yellow socks and she grabbed the neon pink socks and insisted that she where them.